María Teresa Estevan Bolea,
Premio WFEO 2018 a la mujer en ingeniería
Jornada con:
Dª María Teresa Estevan Bolea Premio Mundial de Ingeniería 2018
19:00 Palabras de bienvenida e
D. Carlos del Álamo, Presidente del Instituto de la Ingeniería de
“Objetivos de La Federación Mundial de Ingenieros y su relación con el Cambio Climático”.
Dª. Mª Teresa Estevan Bolea,
Premio Mundial Ingeniería 2018.
20:15 Coloquio con los asistentes
20:30 Copa de vino español
inscripción gratuita previa en esta página
o en el 91 319 74 17
La galardonada con el premio mundial a la ingeniera más relevante de 2018, Dª Mª Teresa Estevan Bolea, dará una conferencia en el Instituto de la Ingeniería de España el próximo lunes 14 de enero a las 19:00 horas.
El reconocimiento a Mª Teresa llega, sin ninguna duda, como premio a toda una carrera dedicada a la ingeniería con multitud de esfuerzos y sacrificios que le han valido para tener todo nuestro respeto y agradecimiento, sobretodo por su insistencia de que esto no es más que un premio a la ingeniería española, personalizado en ella.
En la conferencia del próximo lunes, Mª Teresa nos contará lo que es la Federación Mundial de Organizaciones de Ingeniería y sus objetivos. Uno de los más importantes es el compromiso que tiene dicha Federación en la ayuda a la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, ODS, y cómo los ingenieros podemos ayudar a conseguir dichos objetivos.
Se pueden leer las noticias referentes al premio en estos dos enlaces: Enlace 1 y enlace 2.
Síguelo en directo aquí: Visualización en directo de la jornada, más información, programa e inscripción a la jornada.
LA WFEO (World Federation of Engineering Organizations – Federación Mundial de organizaciones de ingeniería), es el organismo global de los profesionales de ingeniería. Fundado en 1968 y con miembros de cerca de 90 países, representa a unos 30 millones de ingenieros. Su misión es influir en las instituciones internacionales, promover buenas prácticas y abordar los desafíos del desarrollo sostenible a nivel mundial.
Es socio oficial de la UNESCO, miembro del Consejo Social y económico de las Naciones Unidas y colidera el grupo principal de ciencia y tecnología de las Naciones Unidas. Tiene su sede en París.
El premio mujer en ingeniería se ha instituido para dar reconocimiento y visibilidad a las mujeres ingenieras más destacadas a nivel mundial, que hayan demostrado excelencia profesional y un impacto social de su trabajo, demostrando así su potencial para ser un modelo de empoderamiento y un líder en su campo de acción.
María Teresa Estevan Bolea es la tercera mujer en España en obtener un título de ingeniero industrial en 1968 y fue la primera mujer en incorporarse al cuerpo de ingenieros industriales del Ministerio de industria y energía.
Entre los numerosos cargos de responsabilidad pública que ha desempeñado están los de miembro del Congreso de Diputados de España (1987-1993), miembro del Parlamento Europeo (1994-1999), Presidenta del comité de energía, medio ambiente e I+i+D y del Comité de igualdad de oportunidades para la mujer. También fue Presidenta del Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (2001-2006).
Su compromiso con las organizaciones profesionales de la ingeniería está acreditado, no sólo con las estrechas colaboraciones mantenidas desde sus posiciones, sino con su puesto como vocal en la Asociación de Ingenieros industriales de Madrid (2010-2014) y Decano del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros industriales de Madrid (2013-2016). Actualmente es directora general (CEO) de Sitesa Ingenieros S.A.
Su perseverancia es un ejemplo vital de cómo una mujer puede lograr lo que considera importante; incluso en el campo de la ingeniería

Result of the 2018 GREE WFEO Women in Engineering Award
As the leading international body for engineers, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, in its effort to promote social diversity, inclusion, and gender equality in engineering has instituted the Women in Engineering Award and GREE Electric Appliances has offered to sponsor the Award.
The GREE WFEO Women in Engineering Award is to give recognition and visibility to outstanding women engineers, having shown professional excellence and social impact in their work, and showing the potential to be an empowerment model and a leader in their field of action.
The winner for the 2018 GREE WFEO Women in Engineering Award is:
Mrs. Maria-Teresa Estevan Bolea from Spain
About the Awardee
Born on 26th October 1936, Maria- Teresa is the third woman in Spain to obtain an Industrial Engineer title in 1968 and was the first woman to join the Corps of Industrial Engineers of the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Energy.
Among the many positions of public responsibility that she has held are those of Member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies (1987-1993), Member of the European Parliament (1994-1999) stand out, also she was Chairperson of Energy, Environmental, Research and R&D Committee and Equal Opportunities for Women Committee, and also President of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (2001-2006).
Her commitment to the engineering professional organizations is accredited, not only with the close collaborations maintained from her positions, but with her positions as Vocal in the Association (2010-2014) and Dean of the Official College (2013-2016) of Industrial Engineers from Madrid. She is currently Director-General (CEO) of Sitesa Ingenieros S.A. What she has achieved with her perseverance is a vital example of how a woman can achieve what she considers important; even in the field of engineering.
Details of other accomplishments and qualifications includes:
- She was the first woman Engineer of State in Spain. Degree of High Specialisation in Welding and Environmental Engineering.
- She belongs to the Body of Industrial Engineers of the State.
- She has worked in companies of Engineering and Construction and Assembly of Cement Factories, Chemical Plants, Refineries, Thermal Power Stations, Oil and Gas Pipelines. She has also worked in Power Planning, in Power Technologies, Thermal Power Stations and Nuclear Energy.
- In July, 2001 she was appointed President of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN).
- She has been Commissioner of the National Commission of Energy.
- President of the National Council of Industry and Energy (Ministry of Industry and Energy).
- Member of the European Parliament. Member and Spokesperson at the Commissions of Energy, Technological Research and Development and Environment.
- Member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, Spokesperson for Energy and Environment matters.
- General Director for Environment and General Secretary of the Inter-ministerial Commission of Environment from the Ministry of Public Works (1979-1982) and General sub-Director at the Ministry of Public Works (1977-1978).
- She has worked in the General Directorate of Energy: Hydrocarbon and Gas Departments, Subdivision of Power Planning of the Ministry of Industry and Energy, and at the Subdivision of Industrial Pollution of the Ministry of Industry and Energy.
- Mrs. Estevan is member of several advisory groups within international organizations. She also participate as lecture at courses organized by Spanish and international organizations on Nuclear and radiation safety, Energy planning and policies and environmental engineering.
- She has a wide experience in international projects on energy, mechanical engineering and environmental installations.
- Currently, she is Director General of SITESA INGENIEROS S.A.
In addition to her intense dedication to the world of engineering and industry, it should be highlighted that she has received recognition in some other activities as follows:
- Gold Master of the Senior Management Forum.
- Her work in the social and professional promotion of women has been intense, facilitating numerous jobs for women.
- She intervened extensively in the energy works of the OECD (Paris) and CEPE (Geneva) and the Environment and in other international institutions.
- Author of the first publications on Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Was invited in 1993 for a month, by the United States Information Agency (program of international visitors of the USA governments)
- She has directed numerous energy projects (oil, gas and electricity and environmental protection in Latin American countries)
- Has the “Puig Adam” medal from the Technical High School of Industrial Engineering of the UPM.
- In 2007, the COIIM awarded her the Honorable Mention for her professional career.
- Professor “ad-honorem” of the UPM and other Spanish and foreign Universities.
- Prize of the Spanish Nuclear Society 1985 for the: “analysis of generation costs of the kWh”.
- Author of numerous publications, articles and conferences, etc.
- Member of various foundations and technical, social and welfare associations (Caritas, Red Cross, Unicef) and social studies.
The 2018 GREE WFEO Women in Engineering Award will be presented at the Gala Dinner on Monday 22nd October 2018, during the Global Engineering Congress in London.
HERALDO: Premio mundial de ingeniería para la oscense María Teresa Estevan Bolea
Diario del Alto Aragón – La oscense María Teresa Estevan Bolea, primera mujer que gana el Premio Mundial de Ingeniería
CGCOII – La WFEO concede su premio “Mujer en la Ingeniera 2018” a Mª Teresa Estevan Bolea
Asociación de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid- Carrera de San Jerónimo, nº 5-3º dcha 28014 Madrid.-Telf,: (+34) 91 521 40 41. www.aiim.es |